GRRLIB 4.6.0
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GRRLIB__inline.h File Reference

GRRLIB inline function prototypes. More...

#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_clipping.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_collision.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_fbComplex.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_fbGX.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_fbSimple.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_handle.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_pixel.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_settings.h>
#include <grrlib/GRRLIB_texSetup.h>


INLINE void GRRLIB_ClipReset (void)
 Reset the clipping to normal.
INLINE void GRRLIB_ClipDrawing (const u32 x, const u32 y, const u32 width, const u32 height)
 Clip the drawing area to an rectangle.
INLINE bool GRRLIB_PtInRect (const int hotx, const int hoty, const int hotw, const int hoth, const int wpadx, const int wpady)
 Determine whether the specified point lies within the specified rectangle.
INLINE bool GRRLIB_RectInRect (const int rect1x, const int rect1y, const int rect1w, const int rect1h, const int rect2x, const int rect2y, const int rect2w, const int rect2h)
 Determine whether a specified rectangle lies within another rectangle.
INLINE bool GRRLIB_RectOnRect (const int rect1x, const int rect1y, const int rect1w, const int rect1h, const int rect2x, const int rect2y, const int rect2w, const int rect2h)
 Determine whether a part of a specified rectangle lies on another rectangle.
INLINE void GRRLIB_NPlot (const guVector v[], const u32 color[], const u16 n)
 Draw an array of points.
INLINE void GRRLIB_NGone (const guVector v[], const u32 color[], const u16 n)
 Draw a polygon.
INLINE void GRRLIB_NGoneFilled (const guVector v[], const u32 color[], const u16 n)
 Draw a filled polygon.
INLINE void GRRLIB_GXEngine (const guVector v[], const u32 color[], const u16 n, const u8 fmt)
 Draws a vector.
INLINE void GRRLIB_FillScreen (const u32 color)
 Clear screen with a specific color.
INLINE void GRRLIB_Plot (const f32 x, const f32 y, const u32 color)
 Draw a dot.
INLINE void GRRLIB_Line (const f32 x1, const f32 y1, const f32 x2, const f32 y2, const u32 color)
 Draw a line.
INLINE void GRRLIB_Rectangle (const f32 x, const f32 y, const f32 width, const f32 height, const u32 color, const bool filled)
 Draw a rectangle.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetHandle (GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const int x, const int y)
 Set a texture's X and Y handles.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetMidHandle (GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const bool enabled)
 Center a texture's handles.
INLINE u32 GRRLIB_GetPixelFromtexImg (const int x, const int y, const GRRLIB_texImg *tex)
 Return the color value of a pixel from a GRRLIB_texImg.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetPixelTotexImg (const int x, const int y, GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const u32 color)
 Set the color value of a pixel to a GRRLIB_texImg.
INLINE u32 GRRLIB_GetPixelFromFB (int x, int y)
 Reads a pixel directly from the FrontBuffer.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetPixelToFB (int x, int y, u32 pokeColor)
 Writes a pixel directly from the FrontBuffer.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetBlend (const GRRLIB_blendMode blendmode)
 Set a blending mode.
INLINE GRRLIB_blendMode GRRLIB_GetBlend (void)
 Get the current blending mode.
INLINE void GRRLIB_SetAntiAliasing (const bool aa)
 Turn anti-aliasing on/off.
INLINE bool GRRLIB_GetAntiAliasing (void)
 Get current anti-aliasing setting.
INLINE void GRRLIB_ClearTex (GRRLIB_texImg *tex)
 Clear a texture to transparent black.
INLINE void GRRLIB_FlushTex (GRRLIB_texImg *tex)
 Write the contents of a texture in the data cache down to main memory.
INLINE void GRRLIB_FreeTexture (GRRLIB_texImg *tex)
 Free memory allocated for texture.

Detailed Description

GRRLIB inline function prototypes.

Do not include GRRLIB__inline.h directly, include only GRRLIB.h.