GRRLIB 4.6.0
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GRRLIB__lib.h File Reference

GRRLIB library function prototypes. More...


GRRLIB_bytemapFontGRRLIB_LoadBMF (const u8 my_bmf[])
 Load a ByteMap font structure from a buffer.
void GRRLIB_FreeBMF (GRRLIB_bytemapFont *bmf)
 Free memory allocated by ByteMap fonts.
void GRRLIB_InitTileSet (GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const u32 tilew, const u32 tileh, const u32 tilestart)
 Initialize a tile set.
void GRRLIB_BMFX_FlipH (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest)
 Flip texture horizontal.
void GRRLIB_BMFX_FlipV (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest)
 Flip texture vertical.
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Grayscale (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest)
 Change a texture to gray scale.
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Sepia (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest)
 Change a texture to sepia (old photo style).
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Invert (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest)
 Invert colors of the texture.
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Blur (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest, const u32 factor)
 A texture effect (Blur).
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Scatter (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest, const u32 factor)
 A texture effect (Scatter).
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Pixelate (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest, const u32 factor)
 A texture effect (Pixelate).
int GRRLIB_Init (void)
 Initialize GRRLIB.
void GRRLIB_Exit (void)
 Call this before exiting your application.
void GRRLIB_Ellipse (const f32 x, const f32 y, const f32 radiusX, const f32 radiusY, const u32 color, const u8 filled)
 Draw an ellipse.
void GRRLIB_Circle (const f32 x, const f32 y, const f32 radius, const u32 color, const u8 filled)
 Draw a circle.
int GRRLIB_LoadFile (const char *filename, u8 **data)
 Load a file to memory.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTextureFromFile (const char *filename)
 Load a texture from a file.
GRRLIB_ttfFontGRRLIB_LoadTTFFromFile (const char *filename)
 Load a TTF from a file.
bool GRRLIB_ScrShot (const char *filename)
 Make a PNG screenshot.
void GRRLIB_Printf (const f32 xpos, const f32 ypos, const GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const u32 color, const f32 zoom, const char *text,...)
 Print formatted output.
void GRRLIB_PrintBMF (const f32 xpos, const f32 ypos, const GRRLIB_bytemapFont *bmf, const char *text,...)
 Print formatted output with a ByteMap font.
void GRRLIB_DrawImg (const f32 xpos, const f32 ypos, const GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const f32 degrees, const f32 scaleX, const f32 scaleY, const u32 color)
 Draw a texture.
void GRRLIB_DrawImgQuad (const guVector pos[4], GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const u32 color)
 Draw a textured quad.
void GRRLIB_DrawTile (const f32 xpos, const f32 ypos, const GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const f32 degrees, const f32 scaleX, const f32 scaleY, const u32 color, const int frame)
 Draw a tile.
void GRRLIB_DrawPart (const f32 xpos, const f32 ypos, const f32 partx, const f32 party, const f32 partw, const f32 parth, const GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const f32 degrees, const f32 scaleX, const f32 scaleY, const u32 color)
 Draw a part of a texture.
void GRRLIB_DrawTileQuad (const guVector pos[4], GRRLIB_texImg *tex, const u32 color, const int frame)
 Draw a tile in a quad.
void GRRLIB_Render (void)
 Call this function after drawing.
void GRRLIB_Screen2Texture (u16 posx, u16 posy, GRRLIB_texImg *tex, bool clear)
 Make a snapshot of the screen in a texture WITHOUT ALPHA LAYER.
void GRRLIB_CompoStart (void)
 Start GX compositing process.
void GRRLIB_CompoEnd (u16 posx, u16 posy, GRRLIB_texImg *tex)
 End GX compositing process (Make a snapshot of the screen in a texture WITH ALPHA LAYER).
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_CreateEmptyTexture (const u32 width, const u32 height)
 Create an empty texture in GX_TF_RGBA8 format.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_CreateEmptyTextureFmt (const u32 width, const u32 height, const u32 format)
 Create an empty texture with a given format.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTexture (const u8 *my_img)
 Load a texture from a buffer.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG (const u8 *my_png)
 Load a texture from a buffer.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTextureJPG (const u8 *my_jpg)
 Load a texture from a buffer.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTextureJPGEx (const u8 *my_jpg, const u32 my_size)
 Load a texture from a buffer.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTextureBMP (const u8 *my_bmp)
 Load a texture from a buffer.
GRRLIB_texImgGRRLIB_LoadTextureTPL (const u8 *my_tpl, u32 id)
 Set TPL data to a GRRLIB_texImg structure.
bool GRRLIB_GeckoInit (void)
 Initialize USB Gecko.
void GRRLIB_GeckoPrintf (const char *text,...)
 Print Gecko.
void GRRLIB_SetBackgroundColour (u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
 Set the background parameter when screen is cleared.
void GRRLIB_Camera3dSettings (f32 posx, f32 posy, f32 posz, f32 upx, f32 upy, f32 upz, f32 lookx, f32 looky, f32 lookz)
 Set the camera parameter (contributed by chris_c aka DaShAmAn).
void GRRLIB_3dMode (f32 minDist, f32 maxDist, f32 fov, bool texturemode, bool normalmode)
 Set up the position matrix (contributed by chris_c aka DaShAmAn).
void GRRLIB_2dMode (void)
 Go back to 2D mode (contributed by chris_c aka DaShAmAn).
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewBegin (void)
 Init the object matrix to draw object.
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewScale (f32 scalx, f32 scaly, f32 scalz)
 Scale the object matrix to draw object.
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewRotate (f32 angx, f32 angy, f32 angz)
 Rotate the object matrix to draw object.
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewTrans (f32 posx, f32 posy, f32 posz)
 Translate the object matrix to draw object.
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewEnd (void)
 Concat the object and the view matrix and calculate the inverse normal matrix.
void GRRLIB_ObjectView (f32 posx, f32 posy, f32 posz, f32 angx, f32 angy, f32 angz, f32 scalx, f32 scaly, f32 scalz)
 Set the view matrix to draw object (in this order scale, rotate AND trans).
void GRRLIB_ObjectViewInv (f32 posx, f32 posy, f32 posz, f32 angx, f32 angy, f32 angz, f32 scalx, f32 scaly, f32 scalz)
 Set the view matrix to draw object (in this order scale, trans AND rotate).
void GRRLIB_SetTexture (GRRLIB_texImg *tex, bool rep)
 Set the texture to an object (contributed by chris_c aka DaShAmAn).
void GRRLIB_DrawTorus (f32 r, f32 R, int nsides, int rings, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a torus (with normal).
void GRRLIB_DrawSphere (f32 r, int lats, int longs, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a sphere (with normal).
void GRRLIB_DrawCube (f32 size, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a cube (with normal).
void GRRLIB_DrawCylinder (f32 r, f32 h, u16 d, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a cylinder (with normal).
void GRRLIB_DrawCone (f32 r, f32 h, u16 d, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a cone (with normal).
void GRRLIB_DrawTessPanel (f32 w, f32 wstep, f32 h, f32 hstep, bool filled, u32 col)
 Draw a Tesselated panel (with normal).
void GRRLIB_SetLightAmbient (u32 ambientcolor)
 Set ambient color.
void GRRLIB_SetLightDiff (u8 num, guVector pos, f32 distattn, f32 brightness, u32 lightcolor)
 Set diffuse light parameters.
void GRRLIB_SetLightSpec (u8 num, guVector dir, f32 shininess, u32 lightcolor, u32 speccolor)
 Set specular light parameters.
void GRRLIB_SetLightSpot (u8 num, guVector pos, guVector lookat, f32 angAttn0, f32 angAttn1, f32 angAttn2, f32 distAttn0, f32 distAttn1, f32 distAttn2, u32 lightcolor)
 Set Spot light parameters.
void GRRLIB_SetLightOff (void)
 Set all lights off, like at init.
GRRLIB_ttfFontGRRLIB_LoadTTF (const u8 *file_base, s32 file_size)
 Load a TTF from a buffer.
void GRRLIB_FreeTTF (GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont)
 Free memory allocated by TTF fonts.
void GRRLIB_PrintfTTF (int x, int y, GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont, const char *string, unsigned int fontSize, const u32 color)
 Print function for TTF font.
void GRRLIB_PrintfTTFW (int x, int y, GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont, const wchar_t *string, unsigned int fontSize, const u32 color)
 Print function for TTF font.
u32 GRRLIB_WidthTTF (GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont, const char *, unsigned int)
 Get the width of a text in pixel.
u32 GRRLIB_WidthTTFW (GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont, const wchar_t *, unsigned int)
 Get the width of a text in pixel.

Detailed Description

GRRLIB library function prototypes.

Do not include GRRLIB__lib.h directly, include only GRRLIB.h.